Sprinkler Days
Featured article from our June 2013 Newsletter…
Sprinkler Days
Beginning Tuesday, June 25, and continuing on Tuesday and Thursday mornings throughout the summer, the children will have water play outdoors in the morning. Please bring your child to the Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays dressed in his/her swimsuit, wearing sunscreen and water shoes (see photo below), with a complete change of clothing in a tote bag. The teachers will help the children change clothes when they come inside—having everything in the tote bag cuts down on confusion for adults and children. Remember to label EVERYTHING your child wears or brings to the Center with his/her name.
This month’s newsletter included staff news, curriculum focus, summer tips and more…
Sun Safety
Featured article from the May 2013 Newsletter…
Sun Safety
Families are reminded that it’s their responsibility to apply sunscreen to their child’s exposed skin before coming to the Sunbeam room each morning.
Please refrain from leaving sunscreen (or any lotion, chapstick, etc.) in your child’s cubby. We will reapply sunscreen for afternoon outdoor play if we’re going outside when the UV index is 5 or 6.
Please bring in a brimmed hat (baseball cap or sunhat) for your child to wear outside to protect his face and eyes from the sun’s rays.
Remember to check the cubby for weather-appropriate clothing and label every article of clothing, including hats!!